Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today is Hubby's birthday.  Congratulations on his 48th trip around the sun!  May he have many, many more!  His request?  German chocolate cake, of course.  I'll be baking it shortly.

Today is also the beginning of NaNoWriMo.  In case you don't know -- that's National Novel Writing Month.  I have participated in that madness for years.  Wondering if I want to jump in this year.


if I do....

Will I use it to jump start a slowly moving new Alabama Girls novel?  The whole novel won't meet the 50K required to 'win' NaNoWriMo, but it would be a way to kick myself in the seat and give me a tough goal.


I could use this time to write out an idea that has been niggling my brain lately.


I could write both at the same time and thus double my chances of reaching 50K. 

But that might not even be 'legal'.  Decisions. Decisions.

Any advice?

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