Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is probably the second biggest snow that I remember in my 43 years.  Pretty to look at, but I'll be glad for spring.

The girls were out of school all week.  Except for a couple of doctor appointments, I've stayed close to the house. I was born in Alabama.  I don't drive in this stuff!  I got the truck stuck in my daughter's friend's yard.  That was mortifying! I'm over it now and I learned to appreciate my car's front wheel drive.

Writing?  Well, not until yesterday.  I messed around with my YA talk radio story some.  I think it has potential.  In the light of the terrible knews from last weekend's shooting, I think it might even be relevant.  but I won't try to ride a tragedy's coat tails to success.  I had my idea long before the shootings in Arizona and all the hoopla will be over before I ever finish my story.  Just to set the record straight, here.

Anyway.  I'm sorry I let the blog languish for so long.  Not sure if anybody missed me, but there you go.  You're caught up on my life right now.  Hey! I didn't promise you excitement.  :-)


  1. Hi there. I've enjoyed looking around your blog. You're a daily stop, now.

    And I just realized that I haven't updated my blog in tooooo long. I have news!
